Spring Half Term, 12th February to 16th February.

  • Available to children ages 4 to 12.
  • 9am to 3pm @ Archbishop Beck Tennis Centre, Crescent Road, Walton, L9 2AW. (Indoor and outdoor facilities)
  • £10 per day however we do offer sibling discount.

Our camps are 100% fun and games, so we keep your children entertained while you go to work.

Players need a packed lunch, shin pads and appropriate clothing/footwear. Luckily most of our venues have both indoor and outdoor facilities so the weather wont dampen our spirits.


Our holiday camps always prove popular with children as they’ll receive a certificate, as well as some individual players awards. It’s a great opportunity for the children to socialise and have plenty of fun.

Register below if you would like to attend.

[contact-form-7 id=”157″ title=”Register camps”]